
Love is like a pit.
You are constantly falling into a deep dark pit with no knowledge of what will be at the bottom
Whether there will be a ton of pillows to catch your fall or if you’ll just hit the ground and end up hurt.
This is exactly what love is.
You have a 50/50 chance of survival Sometimes, you never find out… You just keep falling in the same pit until you find another pit to fall harder into.
There is always something that keeps us looking for a pit to fall into. Maybe it’s the adrenaline we get when we fall, or maybe it’s the fact that we get to fall.
Whatever causes us to want to fall every time we see a pit worth falling into, I don’t know.
All I know is that sometimes, you have to let yourself fall to find out if there is someone else that has fallen into the same pit.
Love is like a pit. A deep dark pit with a 50/50 chance of survival.

To Miss or Not to Miss


To miss someone is to wish they were with you.
But what if they aren’t usually with you?
What if you only see them for small fragments of the day?
How could you miss someone you don’t see very often?
I think that missing someone isn’t about seeing them, but it’s about the comfort of knowing they’re there if you need them, or if you want to talk to them.
I wonder what my life would be like if that person I miss wasn’t ever around.
Would I be missing someone else or would I not miss anyone?

Missing someone isn’t all about them being present. Infact, it’s mostly about your thought process.
When someone is gone and you miss them, you constantly wonder if they are missing you too.
They’re always on your mind, and it breaks your heart to know you can’t see their face.
You think “I wonder if they’re thinking about me”, “I wonder if they want to talk to me”, “I wonder if they miss me as much as I miss them”. These questions have come across everyone’s mind at some point. So why can’t we just know already?

Well the reason we can’t is because we’re not supposed to know. Some things must remain unknown. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have secrets or things to think about.

If you’re missing someone, don’t think too hard, just… Miss them.



Why do we get so caught up in one thing or one person?
We jump into things so quickly, knowing that there is a huge chance that it might not work out.
We continually take these risks and hope for the best.
Often we end up disappointed and confused.
As if we didn’t expect it to not work out.
We fool ourselves into thinking that every thing and every person that comes our way will be the best, and the last to stick around.
We expect everything to work out perfectly.
Some may think of this as a negative affect.
It’s not really…
If you don’t expect the best, you will find yourself looking for flaws in the thing or in the person.
And it is almost guaranteed that if you only look for the flaws in things and in people, it won’t work out and you’ll end up dying alone.

It Takes a Little Courage to Encourage

We’re all a little sensitive.
To me, the word sensitive means that you get emotional about a lot of things easily but that you can handle it.
I also think sensitive means that you care a lot about something or someone and you feel for others.

Sometimes, we think someone is insensitive and emotionless so we treat them with disrespect. And really, they could just not want to show it.
People that don’t want to show their emotions are extremely good at hiding it.
That doesn’t mean you have to pry it out of them and find out who has stuff going on.

All you have to do is care about everyone. And by care, I mean REALLY care. About how they’re feeling, about their life, and most of all, encourage someone.

That’s the best thing you can do.


Forgive or Forget?


The words “I’m sorry” don’t mean anything unless you’re willing to change your behavior.
We often get caught up in the fact of the matter. Thinking “I said sorry so it’s all fine.” When in fact, nothing is fine. Things may be “fine” but they aren’t FINE. In order for things to be “all good” or “okay”, one side of the party has to take action.
Do something about yourself and always strive to be the best you, you can be.
Forgiveness is earned. It can never simply be given.


It’s amazing how one thing can turn your whole mood sour.
It’s amazing how one person can change your confidence within seconds.
It’s amazing how change happens, not only to your physical appearance, but also to your mind.
It’s amazing how a single person, a single one, can make you happy as can be within a period of 1 day or less, and so sad all at the same time.
It’s amazing how our emotions take over our lives so quickly.

It’s amazing how all of these things lead back to love. And all of love leads back to these things.

What am I trying to allude? Only that I am quite lonely. And that I need to express my feelings somehow. Perhaps this isn’t mature, but, how can maturity be apart of love?

However, this is not love… Ah, this is only my mere imagination of what I might be like if I were in love and broken hearted.